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Here to Make a Difference

Emertech Electrical is a family based electrical contractor company servicing the Dallas - Fort Worth metroplex and surrounding areas. Our team is comprised of trusted professionals experienced and knowledgeable in the electrical construction industry. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to unique projects to provide the most efficient and cost-effective installations of electrical equipment.

Giving Back to Our Community

We believe that our company is only as strong as the community around us and actively participate in giving back to our local non-profit groups. From giving food to the homeless, to traveling the coast to help rebuild cities hit by unforeseen natural disasters, we believe in helping people no matter where they're located. When people are in need of help we answer the call and make it a priority to help those in need.


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Company Culture

At Emertech Electrical we believe in doing things the right way on each project. Safety is a core part of our company foundation, both on and off the clock. Our goal is to ensure that every employee we send to a jobsite goes home unharmed. We lookout for our employees and we extend that culture to the companies and individuals that we interact with.